Welcome to Unity School of Dance!

Home of performance companies King’s Krew and Evolve!

ARe you interested in joining the unity family? do not hesitate emailing our studio at unityschoolofdance@gmail.com

If you have registration or billing questions, please email unitybusinessmanager@gmail.com

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Our Story

Unity’s Studio Owner and Director Eileen King had a vision to create an environment capable of fostering creativity and inspiration. In 2006, Eileen established hip-hop company King’s Krew. Three years later, Unity School of Dance officially opened, followed by Evolve company.

Eileen’s work ethic instills immense growth among her dancers and her positivity generates a community of dancers instilled with humility, respect and morale.

Unity's foundation for producing large-scale end of the year performances are attribute to our top-quality faculty. Our dancers annual showcases continue to make lasting impressions on their audiences!



- Our Mission -

To instill creativity, confidence, artistic expression and self-esteem; to help develop rhythm and coordination; and to educate and expand the minds of our youth by using quality technique in the art of dance.



